

Aug 23, 2023


Nature, том 616, страницы 764–773 (2023 г.) Процитировать эту статью

23 тыс. доступов

164 Альтметрика

Подробности о метриках

Астроциты и нейроны активно взаимодействуют в мозге. Идентификация протеомов астроцитов и нейронов важна для выяснения белковых сетей, которые определяют их соответствующий вклад в физиологию и заболевание. Здесь мы использовали клеточно-специфическое и субкомарт-специфическое биотинилирование, зависящее от близости1, для изучения протеомов стриарных астроцитов и нейронов in vivo. Мы оценили цитозольные и плазматические мембранные отсеки астроцитов и нейронов, чтобы выяснить, как эти клетки различаются на уровне белков в их сигнальном аппарате. Мы также оценили субклеточные компартменты астроцитов, включая концевые ножки и тонкие отростки, чтобы выявить их субпротеомы и молекулярную основу важнейших сигнальных и гомеостатических функций астроцитов. Примечательно, что SAPAP3 (кодируемый Dlgap3), который связан с обсессивно-компульсивным расстройством (ОКР) и повторяющимся поведением2,3,4,5,6,7,8, был обнаружен на высоких уровнях в стриарных астроцитах и ​​был обогащен специфическими астроцитами. субкомпартменты, где он регулирует организацию актинового цитоскелета. Кроме того, эксперименты по генетическому спасению в сочетании с поведенческим анализом и молекулярными оценками на мышиной модели OCD4, лишенной SAPAP3, выявили определенный вклад астроцитарного и нейронального SAPAP3 в повторяющиеся и связанные с тревогой фенотипы, подобные ОКР. Наши данные определяют, как астроциты и нейроны различаются на уровне белков и основных сигнальных путях. Более того, они показывают, как субпротеомы астроцитов различаются между физиологическими субкомпартментами и как механизмы SAPAP3 астроцитов и нейронов способствуют фенотипам ОКР у мышей. Наши данные показывают, что терапевтические стратегии, нацеленные как на астроциты, так и на нейроны, могут быть полезны для изучения при ОКР и, возможно, других заболеваниях головного мозга.

Астроциты являются преобладающим типом глии в центральной нервной системе и эволюционировали совместно с нейронами9. Астроциты являются жизненно важными компонентами мозга10 и, как и нейроны, имеют морфологию и свойства, которые различаются в зависимости от региона мозга11,12,13,14. И астроциты, и нейроны широко вовлечены в заболевания головного мозга15, включая психические расстройства. Однако мало что известно об общих или отдельных астроцитарных и нейрональных молекулярных механизмах и их соответствующем вкладе в области мозга, имеющие отношение к определенным психическим заболеваниям или фенотипам у мышей.

Нейроны и астроциты взаимодействуют анатомически и физиологически, в том числе внутри полосатого тела16,17. В вопросах физиологии и заболеваний в большинстве исследований астроциты и нейроны сравнивались с использованием нейропатологических методов, физиологии, клеточных маркеров или анализа экспрессии РНК. Что касается РНК, хотя она и неоценима, взаимосвязь между уровнями экспрессии РНК и уровнями белка18 очень сложна; поэтому крайне важно идентифицировать специфические белковые механизмы для нейронов и астроцитов19. Более того, чтобы понять основы биологии астроцитов и нейронов, необходимо выявить идентичность белков и их различия в морфологически неповрежденных клетках. Процедуры диссоциации клеток и сортировки клеток с активированной флуоресценцией (FACS) нарушают большинство астроцитарных и нейрональных процессов и особенно повреждают астроциты, которые обычно реагируют на тканевой стресс20,21,22, что препятствует использованию этих методов для протеомики. В результате протеомы астроцитов и нейронов не были напрямую измерены, сравнены или использованы для понимания их вклада в соответствующие фенотипы в физиологии или психических заболеваниях у любого вида.

Полосатое тело — самое большое ядро ​​базальных ганглиев, группы подкорковых ядер, участвующих в движении, действиях и различных нервно-психических состояниях23,24,25. Полосатое тело содержит обширные контакты между астроцитами и нейронами, 95% из которых представляют собой DARPP32-положительные средние шипиковые нейроны (MSN)16. Поскольку астроциты теряют свою сложную морфологию после диссоциации (расширенные данные, рис. 1a–d), мы охарактеризовали состав специфичных для типа клеток протеомов (астроцитов и нейронов) и компартментов (цитозольных и плазматических мембран (PM)) с использованием генетически нацеленной биотинлигазы. (BioID2; расширенные данные, рис. 2a,b), доставленные in vivo в полосатое тело с использованием аденоассоциированных вирусов (AAV; расширенные данные, рис. 2b,c). Этот метод не использует диссоциацию клеток или FACS. BioID2 биотинилирует белки по свободным остаткам лизина в присутствии биотина1,26. После характеристики цитозольных конструкций LCK-BioID2, нацеленных на BioID2 и PM, в клетках HEK-293 (расширенные данные, рис. 3), мы селективно доставили BioID2 или LCK-BioID2 в астроциты или нейроны, используя усеченный промотор GFAP (GfaABC1D) или промотор SYN1 человека27 и AAV с предпочтительным астроцитарным (Astro) или нейронным (Neuro) тропизмом соответственно (рис. 1a и расширенные данные, рис. 2c – h). Astro BioID2, Astro LCK-BioID2 и белки, которые они биотинилируют, были обнаружены только в S100β-положительных кустистых астроцитах, в том числе в пределах концевых ножек (расширенные данные, рис. 4a–d). И наоборот, Neuro BioID2, Neuro LCK-BioID2 и их биотинилированные белки были обнаружены в DARPP32-положительных нейрональных соматах и ​​нейропилях, что отражало их аксональную и дендритную экспрессию соответственно (расширенные данные, рис. 4e-h). Вестерн-блот-анализ подтвердил биотинилирование (расширенные данные, рис. 2e-h и 4; P <0,01 в каждом случае), что позволило идентифицировать белок с помощью жидкостной хроматографии-тандемной масс-спектрометрии (ЖХ-МС/МС).

 1 and FDR < 0.05 versus GFP controls). c, UpSet plot of BioID2-identified proteins. d, LFQ comparison of proteins detected by cytosolic Astro BioID2 and Neuro BioID2. Top, proteins specific to Neuro BioID2 or Astro BioID2 when compared with each other. The four most abundant proteins are named. Bottom, comparison of proteins that were shared in both cytosolic Astro BioID2 and Neuro BioID2. The five highest enriched proteins (log2(FC) > 2) are indicated. The top three proteins that showed no enrichment in either cell are depicted in red. e, As in d but for PM Astro BioID2 and Neuro BioID2. f, Left, STRING analysis map of the top 100 proteins identified with Astro BioID2 and Astro LCK–BioID2. Node size represents the enrichment of each protein versus the GFP control. Edges represent putative interactions from STRING. Right, small clustergrams show categories for biological process. PPI, protein–protein interaction. g. As in f, but for Neuro BioID2 and Neuro LCK–BioID2. h, Expression levels (LFQ intensity) of Ca2+-dependent vesicle release proteins identified by each BioID2 construct. BPs, binding proteins. i, Expression levels of proteins related to lipid metabolism identified in each BioID2 construct./p> 1 and FDR < 0.05 versus GFP controls). The top two most abundant proteins for each subcompartment are named. d, Label-free based quantification comparison of proteins detected in the cytosolic Astro BioID2 and PM Astro LCK–BioID2. Top, specific LCK–BioID2 proteins compared to cytosol. The top four most abundant proteins for LCK–BioID2 are indicated. Bottom, volcano plot comparing proteins that were shared in both cytosolic BioID2 and LCK–BioID2. The five highest enriched proteins for LCK–BioID2 (log2(FC) > 2) are indicated. Magenta label shows protein that was validated by IHC in Extended Data Fig. 11. Red label shows that SAPAP3 is enriched in the astrocyte PM. e,f, As in d but for cytosolic Astro BioID2 and Astro EZR–BioID2 (e) and cytosolic Astro BioID2 and Astro AQP4–BioID2 (f). g, STRING analysis map of the top 50 (by LFQ abundance) biotinylated proteins identified in astrocyte fine processes with Astro EZR–BioID2. Node size represents the enrichment of each protein versus the GFP control. Edges represent putative interactions from the STRING database. h, As in g but for proteins identified in the astrocyte end foot with Astro AQP4–BioID2. i, Bars show the most significant Enrichr gene ontology (GO) term for the unique and enriched proteins found in each astrocyte subcompartment. Top, the GO term for biological process. Bottom, the GO term for molecular function./p> 1 and FDR < 0.05 versus GFP controls were considered putative hits and used for subsequent comparison between subcompartments and cell types. A comparison between subcompartments and cell types was also performed with limma utilizing the same thresholds (log2(FC) > 1 and FDR < 0.05). To account for variations in pull-down efficiency, all proteins and their LFQ values were normalized to pyruvate carboxylase (UniProt identifier Q05920). Downstream analysis was conducted only on proteins with non-zero LFQ values in three or more experimental replicates. Data analysis for whole bulk tissue analyses was carried out in an identical manner, except samples were normalized by median intensity./p> 5 in at least 4 samples per condition and log2(FC) > 1 or < −1 using the Bioconductor package limmaVoom (v.3.36) with the FDR threshold set at <0.05. Differentially expressed genes that were more than twofold higher in the immunoprecipitated samples than the input samples were designated as astrocyte-enriched or neuron-enriched differentially expressed genes. RNA-seq data have been deposited within the Gene Expression Omnibus repository ( with the accession identifier GSE184773./p> 0) in our mouse RNA-seq studies./p> 1 versus GFP controls). The mean LFQ value and SEM are shown. b. Pie chart of PANTHER pathway analysis terms for "biological processes". Pie chart shows the number of proteins found for each term from the 332 Astro BioID2 proteins. c. As in b, but for the 434 Neuro BioID2 proteins. d. As in b, but for 310 Astro Lck-BioID2 proteins. e. As in b, but for the 1672 Neuro Lck-BioID2 proteins. f. Bar graph denotes the number of calcium dependent vesicle release protein isoforms detected in each BioID2 construct experiment. g. Bar graph denotes the number of lipid metabolism related proteins that were detected in each BioID2 construct experiment./p> 1 versus GFP controls). The mean LFQ value and SEM are shown. For blot source data, see Supplementary Fig. 1./p> 1 and FDR < 0.05 versus GFP controls) detected in the cytosolic Astro BioID2 and plasma membrane Astro Lck-BioID2 reveal plasma membrane enriched proteins. Top half of the volcano plot shows 238 unique Lck-BioID2 proteins when compared to cytosol. The top four most abundant proteins for Lck-BioID2 are shown. Lower half of volcano plot shows comparison of 144 proteins that were common in both cytosolic BioID2 and Lck-BioID2. The five highest enriched proteins for Lck-BioID2 (Log2FC > 2) are shown. Magenta label shows protein that was validated with IHC in panel d. Red label shows Dlgap3/SAPAP3 is enriched in the astrocyte plasma membrane. c. Heat map shows the rank-rank hypergeometric overlap (RRHO) of the RNA and protein rank for the 270 plasma membrane proteins. Each pixel represents the significance of overlap between the two datasets in –log10(P-value). Red pixels represent highly significant overlap. Color scale denotes the range of P-values at the negative log10 scale (bin size = 100). d. IHC analysis of Slc4a4 (Nbc1) protein in tdTomato and Lck-GFP labeled astrocytes shows co-localization within the astrocyte territory. Scale bar represents 20 μm. e. Co-localization analysis using Pearson's r co-efficient shows high co-localization between Lck-GFP and Slc4a4 (Nbc1). The mean and SEM are shown (n = 8 tdTomato+ cells from 4 mice; Two-tailed paired t-test). f. Scale-free STRING analysis protein-protein association map of the 270 unique and enriched biotinylated proteins identified in astrocyte plasma membrane with Astro Lck-BioID2 . Node size represents the enrichment of each protein vs the GFP control (log2(BioID2/GFP)). Edges represent putative interactions from the STRING database. Bar graphs show the functional enrichment analysis of the 270 proteins using "Biological process", "Cellular component", and "Molecular function" terms from Enrichr./p> 1 and FDR < 0.05 versus GFP controls) detected in the cytosolic Astro BioID2 and end foot Astro Aqp4-BioID2 reveal end foot enriched proteins. Top half of the volcano plot shows 577 unique Aqp4-BioID2 proteins when compared to cytosol. The top four most abundant proteins for Aqp4-BioID2 are shown. Lower half of volcano plot shows comparison of 228 proteins that were common in both cytosolic BioID2 and Aqp4-BioID2. The five highest enriched proteins for Aqp4-BioID2 (Log2FC > 2) are shown. Magenta label shows protein that was validated with immunohistochemistry in panel d. c. Heat map shows the rank-rank hypergeometric overlap (RRHO) of the RNA and protein rank for the 635 endfoot proteins. Each pixel represents the significance of overlap between the two datasets in –log10(P-value). Red pixels represent highly significant overlap. Color scale denotes the range of P-values at the negative log10 scale (bin size = 100). d. IHC analysis of PAICS protein in tdTomato and Lck-GFP labeled astrocytes shows co-localization within the astrocyte territory. Scale bar represents 20 μm. e. Co-localization analysis using Pearson's r co-efficient shows high co-localization between Aqp4-GFP and PAICS. The mean and SEM are shown (n = 8 tdTomato+ cells from 4 mice; Two-tailed paired t-test). f. Scale-free STRING analysis protein-protein association map of the top 100 unique and enriched biotinylated proteins identified in the astrocyte endfoot with Astro Aqp4-BioID2 . Node size represents the enrichment of each protein vs the GFP control (log2(BioID2/GFP)). Edges represent putative interactions from the STRING database. Bar graphs show the functional enrichment analysis of the 635 proteins using "Biological process", "Cellular component", and "Molecular function" terms from Enrichr. The image of the astrocyte subcompartments in panel a was created using BioRender (> 1 and FDR < 0.05 versus GFP controls) detected in the cytosolic Astro BioID2 and fine process Astro Ezrin-BioID2 reveal fine process enriched proteins. Top half of the volcano plot shows 216 unique Ezrin-BioID2 proteins when compared to cytosol. The top four most abundant proteins for Ezrin-BioID2 are shown. Lower half of volcano plot shows comparison of 186 proteins that were common in both cytosolic BioID2 and Ezrin-BioID2. The five highest enriched proteins for Ezrin-BioID2 (Log2FC > 2) are shown. Magenta label shows protein that was validated with immunohistochemistry in panel d. Red label shows Dlgap3/SAPAP3 is enriched in the astrocyte fine processes. c. Heat map shows the rank-rank hypergeometric overlap (RRHO) of the RNA and protein rank for the 234 Ezr-BioID2 proteins. Each pixel represents the significance of overlap between the two datasets in –log10(P-value). Red pixels represent highly significant overlap. Color scale denotes the range of P-values at the negative log10 scale (bin size = 100). d. IHC analysis of Nebl protein in tdTomato and Ezr-GFP labeled astrocytes shows co-localization within the astrocyte territory. Scale bar represents 20 μm. e. Co-localization analysis using Pearson's r co-efficient shows high co-localization between Ezr-GFP and Nebl. The mean and SEM are shown (n = 8 tdTomato+ cells from 4 mice; Two-tailed paired t-test). f. Scale-free STRING analysis protein-protein association map of the 234 unique and enriched biotinylated proteins identified in astrocyte processes with Astro Ezr-BioID2 . Node size represents the enrichment of each protein vs the GFP control (log2(BioID2/GFP)). Edges represent putative interactions from the STRING database. Bar graphs show the functional enrichment analysis of the 234 proteins using "Biological process", "Cellular component", and "Molecular function" terms from Enrichr. The image of the astrocyte subcompartments in panel a was created using BioRender (> 1 and FDR < 0.05 versus GFP controls) detected in the cytosolic Astro BioID2 and Astro Glt1-BioID2 reveal Glt1 enriched proteins. Top half of the volcano plot shows 527 unique Glt1-BioID2 proteins when compared to cytosol. The top four most abundant proteins for Glt1-BioID2 are shown. Lower half of volcano plot shows comparison of 230 proteins that were common in both cytosolic BioID2 and Glt1-BioID2. The five highest enriched proteins for Glt1-BioID2 are shown. Magenta label shows protein that was validated with immunohistochemistry. c. Heat map shows the rank-rank hypergeometric overlap (RRHO) of the RNA and protein rank for the 532 Glt1-BioID2 proteins. Each pixel represents the significance of overlap between the two datasets in –log10(P-value). Red pixels represent highly significant overlap. Color scale denotes the range of P-values at the negative log10 scale (bin size = 100). d. IHC analysis of Faim2 protein in tdTomato and Glt1-GFP labeled astrocytes shows co-localization within the astrocyte territory. Scale bar represents 20 μm. e. Co-localization analysis using Pearson's r co-efficient shows high co-localization between Glt1-GFP and Faim2. The mean and SEM are shown (n = 8 tdTomato+ cells from 4 mice; Two-tailed paired t-test). f. Scale-free STRING analysis protein-protein association map of the top 100 unique and enriched biotinylated proteins identified with Astro Glt1-BioID2 . Node size represents the enrichment of each protein vs the GFP control (log2(BioID2/GFP)). Edges represent putative interactions from the STRING database. Bar graphs show the functional enrichment analysis of all 532 proteins using "Biological process", "Cellular component", and "Molecular function" terms from Enrichr. The image of the astrocyte subcompartments in panel a was created using BioRender (> 1 and FDR < 0.05 versus GFP controls) detected in the cytosolic Astro BioID2 and Astro Kir4.1-BioID2 reveal Kir4.1 enriched proteins. Top half of the volcano plot shows 390 unique Kir4.1-BioID2 proteins when compared to cytosol. The top four most abundant proteins for Kir4.1-BioID2 are shown. Lower half of volcano plot shows comparison of 275 proteins that were common in both cytosolic BioID2 and Kir4.1-BioID2. The five highest enriched proteins for Kir4.1-BioID2 are shown. Magenta label shows protein that was validated with immunohistochemistry. c. Heat map shows the rank-rank hypergeometric overlap (RRHO) of the RNA and protein rank for the 393 Kir4.1-BioID2 proteins. Each pixel represents the significance of overlap between the two datasets in –log10(P-value). Red pixels represent highly significant overlap. Color scale denotes the range of P-values at the negative log10 scale (Bin size = 100). d. IHC analysis of Hepacam protein in tdTomato and Kir4.1-GFP labeled astrocytes shows co-localization within the astrocyte territory. Scale bar represents 20 μm. e. Co-localization analysis using Pearson's r co-efficient shows high co-localization between Kir4.1-GFP and Hepacam. The mean and SEM are shown (n = 8 tdTomato+ cells from 4 mice; Two-tailed paired t-test). f. Scale-free STRING analysis protein-protein association map of the top 100 unique and enriched biotinylated proteins identified with Astro Kir4.1-BioID2 . Node size represents the enrichment of each protein vs the GFP control (log2(BioID2/GFP)). Edges represent putative interactions from the STRING database. Bar graphs show the functional enrichment analysis of all 393 proteins using "Biological process", "Cellular component", and "Molecular function" terms from Enrichr. The image of the astrocyte subcompartments in panel a was created using BioRender (> 1 and FDR < 0.05 versus GFP controls) detected in the cytosolic Astro BioID2 and Astro Cx43-BioID2 reveal Cx43 enriched proteins. Top half of the volcano plot shows 179 unique Cx43-BioID2 proteins when compared to cytosol. The top four most abundant proteins for Cx43-BioID2 are shown. Lower half of volcano plot shows comparison of 116 proteins that were common in both cytosolic BioID2 and Cx43-BioID2. The five highest enriched proteins for Cx43-BioID2 are shown. Magenta label shows protein that was validated with immunohistochemistry. c. Heat map shows the rank-rank hypergeometric overlap (RRHO) of the RNA and protein rank for the 196 Cx43-BioID2 proteins. Each pixel represents the significance of overlap between the two datasets in –log10(P-value). Red pixels represent highly significant overlap. Color scale denotes the range of P-values at the negative log10 scale (bin size = 100). d. IHC analysis of Arpc1a protein in tdTomato and Cx43-GFP labeled astrocytes shows co-localization within the astrocyte territory. Scale bar represents 20 μm. e. Co-localization analysis using Pearson's r co-efficient shows high co-localization between Cx43-GFP and Aprc1a. The mean and SEM are shown (n = 8 tdTomato+ cells from 4 mice; Two-tailed Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test). f. Scale-free STRING analysis protein-protein association map of the 196 unique and enriched biotinylated proteins identified with Astro Cx43-BioID2 . Node size represents the enrichment of each protein vs the GFP control (log2(BioID2/GFP)). Edges represent putative interactions from the STRING database. Bar graphs show the functional enrichment analysis of all 196 proteins using "Biological process", "Cellular component", and "Molecular function" terms from Enrichr. The image of the astrocyte subcompartments in panel a was created using BioRender (> 1 and FDR < 0.05 versus GFP controls) detected in the Astro BioID2-SAPAP3 and Neuro BioID2-SAPAP3 reveal unique astrocyte and neuron SAPAP3 interactors. Top half of the volcano plot shows 306 unique Neuro BioID2-SAPAP3 proteins and 49 unique Astro BioID2-SAPAP3 proteins when compared to each other. The top four most abundant proteins for each cell type are shown. Lower half of volcano plot shows comparison of 228 proteins that were common in both Astro BioID2-SAPAP3 and Neuro BioID2-SAPAP3. The five highest enriched proteins (Log2FC > 2) for neurons are shown. Proteins that did not pass the enrichment threshold for either cell type are represented in the gray box. d. Schematic shows astrocyte specific HA tagged SAPAP3, GFP fused Ezrin, and GFP fused Glt-1 used in AAV constructs to assess interactions via co-immunoprecipitation. 16 week old wild type mice were injected in the striatum with one of the following combinations: HA-SAPAP3 + Ezr-GFP, HA-SAPAP3 + Glt-1-GFP, HA-SAPAP3 only, Ezr-GFP only, or Glt1-GFP only. Western blot shows the immunoprecipitation of either HA or GFP after protein complex isolation. The band 110 kD represents the HA-SAPAP3 band, while the 90 kD bands represent Ezrin-GFP (93 kD) or Glt1-GFP (92 kD). n = 4 mice per combination, 3 technical replicates. e. Representative images of immunostained mouse striatum injected with astrocyte-specific GFP-SAPAP3 (Astro SAPAP3). Left panel shows the immunostaining pattern with S100β as an astrocyte cell marker and right panel shows the immunostaining pattern with DARPP32 as a neuron cell marker. f. Bar graphs depicting the percent of S100β positive or NeuN positive cells with HA expression in a 20x magnification field of view. Teal portion of the bar graphs show the percent co-localization. Bottom descriptive statistics represent percent of HA+ cells that were not S100β positive as the mean (SD) [SEM] (n = 8 fields of view at 20x magnification from 4 mice) c. Representative images of immunostained mouse striatum injected with astrocyte-specific GFP-SAPAP3 (Astro SAPAP3). Left panel shows the immunostaining pattern with S100β as an astrocyte cell marker and right panel shows the immunostaining pattern with DARPP32 as a neuron cell marker. g. Representative images of immunostained mouse striatum injected with neuron-specific GFP-SAPAP3 (Neuro SAPAP3). Left panel shows the immunostaining pattern with DARPP32 as a neuron cell marker and right panel shows the immunostaining pattern with S100β as an astrocyte cell marker. h. Bar graphs depicting the percent of S100β positive or NeuN positive cells with HA expression in a 20x magnification field of view. Purple portion of the bar graphs show the percent co-localization. Bottom descriptive statistics represent percent of HA+ cells that were not DARPP32 positive as the mean (SD) [SEM] (n = 8 fields of view at 20x magnification from 4 mice). The image of the DNA constructs in panels a and d was created using BioRender (> 1 and FDR < 0.05) while blue circles show downregulated proteins (Log2FC < 1, FDR < 0.05) in the SAPAP3 KO striatum when compared to wild-type. The top 5 most down regulated and up regulated proteins are shown. Green label shows protein that also appeared in the neuron SAPAP3 interactome. b. List of the 66 proteins that were differentially expressed in the striatum of SAPAP3 KO mice when compared to wild type controls. Heat map and color scale (i) shows the Log2fold change of the 66 proteins versus wild type control. Heat map and color scale (ii) shows the mRNA abundance (FPKM) of the 66 proteins in our neuron or astrocyte specific mouse RNA-seq datasets. Heat map and color scale (iii) shows the Log2fold change at the mRNA level of the 66 proteins in human caudate of OCD subjects compared to controls. Arrowheads show genes that had conserved changes in the mouse SAPAP3 KO model and human OCD. Teal asterisks denote whether the protein was found in the astrocyte specific proteomics datasets, while the purple asterisks denote whether the protein was found in the neuron specific datasets. c. List of proteins shows the 30 significantly (FDR < 0.05) changed genes in human OCD caudate versus control. Heat map depicts the genes’ respective mRNA abundances (FPKM) in our neuron or astrocyte specific mouse RNA-seq datasets. Teal asterisks denote whether the protein was also found in the astrocyte specific proteomics datasets while the purple asterisks denote whether the protein was found in the neuron specific datasets. The gene, C15orf39, was not found in our mouse datasets. d. List of 61 genes associated with OCD and Tourette's syndrome. Heat map depicts the genes’ respective mRNA abundances (FPKM) in our neuron or astrocyte specific mouse RNA-seq datasets. Teal asterisks denote whether the protein was also found in the astrocyte specific proteomics datasets while the purple asterisks denote whether the protein was found in the neuron specific datasets. Orange asterisks denote whether the protein was an astrocytic SAPAP3 interactor, while green asterisks denote whether the protein was a neuronal SAPAP3 interactor./p>